Image of a human skull facing a bird skull Image of a human skull facing a bird skull


As an Australian-based business, our appreciation for the solemn beauty found in the natural world and the profound wisdom of ancient traditions guides our every endeavour. This essence infuses each meticulously crafted or thoughtfully selected product in our store with a sense of depth and mystery.

In our Brisbane-based workshop, where every piece comes to life, we handcraft each item to offer a unique and premium selection. Our creations are not just products; they are singular works of art, each bearing the hallmark of our dedication to craftsmanship. It is within these walls that we immerse ourselves in the world of ornithological osteology, a field that allows us to delve into the intricate skeletal structures of birds.

With a keen focus on ornithological osteology, we engage in the meticulous cleaning and articulation of bird skeletons. This process is both a labour of love and a scientific endeavour, as we endeavour to preserve not just the beauty but also the significance of these avian specimens. Each bone tells a story of resilience, adaptation, and the timeless wonder of flight, making our work not only visually captivating but also intellectually stimulating.

Through our commitment to ornithological osteology, we not only create decorative pieces but also contribute to the greater understanding of avian biology and evolution.


I'm Viktor Takac, and for the past 12 years, I've immersed myself in the world of osteology. Around five or six years ago, I became increasingly dismayed by the sight of roadkill animals going to waste. Determined to make a difference, I embarked on a journey of self-teaching. Starting with cleaning
skulls, I gradually expanded my expertise to encompass the cleaning and articulation of entire animal skeletons, particularly in the specialized field of ornithological osteology. This involved studying avian anatomy, morphology, and skeletal structure to understand the unique adaptations and evolutionary patterns of birds.

Every skill I've acquired has been through relentless self-experimentation and learning. Over the years, my efforts have culminated in the articulation of over 100 bird skeletons, hundreds of skulls, and collaborations with various institutions, including local zoos, museums, veterinary surgeries, universities, and private collectors. Through my work, I aim to preserve the beauty and significance of these creatures while contributing to scientific research and education in the field of osteology.

Black and white image of Viktor Takac's knuckles with 'Osteology' tattooed on.

"Absolute Magician"

"Viktor is an absolute magician. From thinking most of this was lost to creating this absolute stunning piece of natural history. I doubt there are many people who can say they have a stillborn Persian kitten, but I am so grateful to be among the few."

"Truly remarkable"

"Adding yet another fascinating piece to my collection, this rainbow lorikeet stands as a testament to the meticulous work of Ornithological Osteology. The preparation of this specimen is truly remarkable."

"Absolutely mesmerizing"

"Absolutely mesmerizing! The attention to detail in every nook and cranny is truly remarkable. While bone may be expensive, it's clear that the meticulous cleaning process and hours of work are worth it."